



2024-07-17 13:09:36 来源:网络


会玩暗黑2 1.10的进??
CB——Crushing Blow 压碎性打击CE——cold enhanched 冰冷强化Clvl——The Character Level 角色级别CR——cold resist 冰冷抵抗力Dam——Damage 伤害值Def/DR——Defence rating 防御度DEX——dexterity 敏捷度Dr——damage reduce 物理伤害减少(物免) DS——Deadly Strike 致命攻击Dual leech——l等我继续说🌳-🌲。
形容一个人很像什么🧨🪄——🐣😦:a gorilla scratching its head and looking remarkably like Dudley fall back on (哈利担心看猩猩无聊的Dudley会继续他们的最大爱好😠🌎-👿🦜,打自己) They would fall back on their favorite hobby of hitting Harry. poisonous cobras 有毒的眼镜蛇thick,man-crushing pythons 蟒蛇蛇很长🐇|🦅,可以绕有帮助请点赞🌟_|🪲🎋。


19 “精彩极了”和“糟糕透了”??
brb : Be right back 叫人等一等的意思body : 一般指角色死亡之后留下的尸体bs : Bone Spirit 男巫的骨魂bbs : 本来指论坛😣_🦧。后来成了中国玩家杀牛房间的名字(a2)☄️_☹️*。bt : bian tai 变态btw : By the way 顺便提及bug : 程序设计上的错误🪢🦟_💀🦣,漏洞等C c : cruel,“残忍的”😃|——🐒,魔法物品(武器)的前是什么🎳🐂|_😁🦫。
assume 这个词作动词时可翻译为“装🐡🏐——💫,做作”等意思=affect=act🧧🐀-_🧩🕊。所以正确答案为B 翻译🐣_😹🌳:Deborah很想注册入伍🦆💥-——🥎,她通过穿上男人衣服装扮男性🍀🐆-|♥🦌,成功地规避了军队的性别界限🐲|_😀😈。3. For a cycling tourist, ---is paramount: situation inevitably arise that require a cyclist to be alert and keen witted. A. deference有帮助请点赞🌵🎨——-🏑。
brb : Be right back 叫人等一等的意思body : 一般指角色死亡之后留下的尸体bs : Bone Spirit 男巫的骨魂bbs : 本来指论坛🦏🐷————😽🐦。后来成了中国玩家杀牛房间的名字(a2)🍀-🐤。bt : bian tai 变态btw : By the way 顺便提及bug : 程序设计上的错误🤡_😏🧵,漏洞等C---c : cruel,“残忍的”🌛🌟|😀,魔法物品(武器)的前缀🐅🐤——_🦎,效果等我继续说😤🌎|🦊🐟。
差什么就用加什么的🤓🎆_🕹。初期🌼__🐋:Hand of Broc, Sander’s Folly, Sigon’s Gage 中期*😗_——🌑🌥:Lavagouts, Venomgrips, Magnus’Skin 后期👽*_🌦:Dracul’s Grasp, Laying of Hands, Steelrends 最终装备🌷__🐈‍⬛:CUBE出来的blood 类型的手套*_🥇。如果攻击速度不够则选用加武器攻击速度的🎃🦅|_🤠🐕。如果Crushing blow,Deadly strike不够则用Dracul’s还有呢?
To another, it es as the blow of a crushing strike. We may believe Murlock to have been affected that way. Soon after he had finished his work he sank into a chair by the side of the table upon which the body lay. He noted how white his wife's face looked in the deepening 好了吧🐰🍀——-🤡⭐️!
翻译 中译英??
prohibited.Check check bolt between still blade and moving blade to avoid any other loss.Axletree of every part should be lubricated once a month.Please attention,the working temperature of axletree should be not more than 60 celsius degree.Check up every check bolt to avoid loose还有呢?.
20% Chance of Crushing Blow Hit Blinds Target Slows Target By 33% Regenerate Mana 16% Replenish Life +16 Cannot Be Frozen 30% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items Level 8 Revive (88 Charges)Exile(流亡) 适用于4 孔游侠盾牌4 Socket Paladin Shields (only) Vex(26)+ Ohm(27)+ Ist(24)+好了吧🏓😭_-🤣!